Monday, March 5, 2018


It has been almost exactly two years since we opened the tank with an axle grinder:) Ghastly long time,...unbearably long, gotta say.. But we are not working against the clock, and after all, there is enough yelling, wrench-throwing TV cheapness craze going around, so it is better to remain stoic.
Back to the point, Loctite proved to be a great material to work with, allowing correcting the surface using small doses. I really enjoyed that "sculpting." What amazes me is that the tank is asymetrical, I tried to copy meticulously the curve of the frame, but it turned out, that each side has a different radius and one bottom "corner" is positioned more forward and higher. This is something what definitely won't occur to anyone looking at the bike on the bike stand...Next phase will be applying the kreem rot anti-corrosion liner.           

Each "patch" means one dent, firstly pushed from the inner side with a simple ball on a hook utensil   

Pets say hi

1 comment:

  1. Hi I have an srx400 3vn, I desperately need help with the tank. It's been welded once and now ha pin holes. It would be great to get some ideas as to the best way of repairing it.
